It begins in a mystery. The colors, the intricate details, the petals all tucked inside a small bud.

ing happens slowly, over time. And then, all at once, in spurts.

The petals unfurl one by one, each delicate petal a piece of the masterpiece.

We watch with anticipation, knowing the art in each bloom will be magnificent. But, there is patience to wait, knowing each stage of the blossoming process highlights a different piece of the flower’s inherent beauty.

Thus it is with becoming.

The identity given to each person begins as a mystery, a magnificent masterpiece woven together that slowly blossoms with time.

We live and grow, and as we reveal authentic parts of ourselves we become the fullness of all we were created to be. Who we are is already knit inside; finding that person can be slow, painfully slow at times, but each petal is worth the effort it takes to Be you, Bravely, and the entire bloom worth every moment of courage.

Who you are is a beautiful masterpiece.

Live in full bloom.

This originally appeared in Hello, Darling Winter 2015. If you didn’t get a copy and would like your own, you can subscribe to get Hello, Darling in your mailbox every season.

Where do you most want to find yourself blooming?