MOMCON is nearly SOLD OUT! Get your ticket before they are gone!

There are a couple items that seem to be true for moms: beauty regimens change when we have kids, and it becomes harder to take care of ourselves when we’re taking care of everyone else. That’s why we want to spend an entire month covering these topics.

Here are a few suggested topics. Feel free to write on one of these ideas or take some creative liberties.


Recipes for healthy snacks


Submission Deadline: August 1, 2014

How to Submit

To add your voice to the conversation on health, beauty and self, send your submission to

Submission Information

For more information about the tone of our materials and our submission process go to (Insider hint: We take these very seriously, so it’s important you take a peek before submitting.)

Submission Process

Just so you know, all articles are received on speculation. We will respond to all submissions when they are received to confirm submission and obtain submission agreement. If your article is selected for publishing, we will email you in advance with the date we will be publishing and the permalink.

And Since You Always Ask

Yes, you may send material that has been previously published. Just make sure it meets our editorial needs first. Because, again, we take those writer’s guidelines pretty seriously.