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I don’t know about you, but if I wait until the day-of to plan dinner I find myself tearing through the freezer trying to find something – anything – to feed my family, or running to the store to pick up one last item (which always turns into a $25 bill). Since I’ve started planning my meals every weekend – in part because of this cute menu board – I’ve been making healthier meals and fewer trips to the store, and in turn, spending less money. Here’s how you can make yours:

What you’ll need


  1. Choose your favorite scrapbook paper for the background of your menu board. Trim paper to fit inside the frame you’ve chosen {if needed}. Arrange letter-stickers to form “Menu” and the names for each day of the week and attach to your paper. Leave space to the right to write out your weekly menu {or get creative and leave space to the left, below, wherever you’d like!}. If you have a sticker with a fun quote, attach it now.
  2. Put paper in frame behind glass. Use dry erase markers on the glass to write out your weekly menu. Erase with paper towels or tissues.
  3. {Optional} Attach coordinating ribbon to the back of your frame to hang the menu board.

If you are looking for more dinner ideas to fill out that menu board, check out the Recipes section here on the Hello, Dearest blog, visit the MOPS Pinterest board Let’s Talk Food or head on over to my recipe blog.

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