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It’s a side dish that contains itself. Kids can scoop out the insides or hold it with two hands. Most importantly, they’ll love it!



  1. Add oil to large saucepan and saute the red onion and celery. After about 3-4 minutes, add the chopped apples and broth. Let cook another 4-5 minutes.
  2. In a large bowl, toss the golden raisins and bread cubes. Toss the cooked apples, celery, onions and broth with the raisins and bread cubes, until all the bread cubes have soaked up the liquid.
  3. Cut the pie crust into large circles…large enough to fill the better part of a regular size muffin tin. Press them into a greased muffin tin. Scoop the stuffing into the crust and press down firmly.
  4. Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes, or until stuffing begins to golden on top.
  5. Enjoy!

Erin Chase is the mom chef at, and is the voice behind the new Blinkie grocery savings mobile app. When not sharing frugal recipes and helping people across the country spend less time and money on groceries each week, she working hard to keep up with her 4 young boys, ages 8 to 6 months. In the little spare time she has, she enjoys running and reading.

We’re taking a vote on new receipes to post, so tell us, what’s your kid(s)’ favorite side dish?