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Growing up, I took several years of piano lessons and my least favorite part was practicing my scales. It seemed so tedious. Did it really have a purpose?

Turns out there was a purpose. Practicing the scales strengthened my fingers, it helped me know the keyboard and placement and it improved my coordination between my hands and eyes and ears. Basically, it helped me play music better.

Our leadership has things that we treat like piano scales. They are the things we need to do that make us better leaders. Whether it is communication or training or something else, each of us has things we need to strengthen. Choosing to work a little each day or each week and establishing a rhythm will make it become something routine.

If you need to work on communication, here are a few “scales” you could practice:

If you need to work on growing or learning, but don’t really like training, here are a few ideas to try:

Take a few minutes to brainstorm what you could make into a healthy rhythm in your day to day. Here’s to practicing your scales and seeing your leadership strengthen.

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Jennifer Iverson is the Leadership Content Coordinator at MOPS International. She is an organizer of things and people which also comes in handy as the mother of six children. Jennifer and her husband, Mike, live in central Pennsylvania where you can always find a warm cup of coffee brewing.