Give the gift of mom friends this Mother’s Day!

You and me, we’re not moms so that we can go through the assembly line of raising a family – add a kid or two, throw in a pet, build a home big enough, and plan the best birthday parties ever. Deep down, even if it feels lost, we’re moms who have the capacity to love and believe that as a family we can really make a difference in this world.

The assembly line might feel like the everyday mundane routines of school projects or diaper changes or tag-teaming with your spouse, but let’s add some rebellion to our day. You with me? Note: What we’re about to do isn’t always Instagram-able because it’s about folks you don’t know yet and that would be a breach in privacy to post. So if you have to document it so that people believe you did this, you might as well sit this one out.

Rebellion is showing or feeling resistant to something. In our case, we’re wanting more out of life and this requires resisting what’s comfortable and refusing to keep up with the Joneses. And we all know the Joneses! Naturally we want to stick to ourselves, stay tight as a family, do what benefits us. A rebellious family steps out of what’s comfortable and natural into a realm where others are blessed, our kids learn empathy and compassion, and our gifts are put to use producing supernatural results. The stirring that is inside you and your family is placed there to ultimately be a blessing to others. We’re created for life together and the family has the potential to be a joint force.

The rebellion requirements: