Hello Mama,

Can I just tell you how impressed I am with the Offline October movement started by teens to “unplug” from social media and to start “living”? I have always felt like my children and their generation, coined as the iGeneration, will lead us into new and better ways of living by simply doing. Would you be so bold as to embrace this same movement, if not for the entire month, but for 24 hours? I am continually humbled by the wisdom of youth. So, let’s do this Mama, and resolve to encourage our littles in their endeavors for strong interpersonal relationships and connections – even if that means we need to unplug too!


Jinny + The MOPS Magazine Team

Curl Up With Us

Love is loud even when we don’t speak. Curl up with the fall issue of The MOPS Magazine and then pass this powerful little message of love along to the next mom you see. #themopsmagazine


If you need to renew your MOPS Membership, which includes your subscription to The MOPS Magazine, or you’d like to gift a friend a little mom sugar, just click here.

Have You Seen This?

“Meeting Vera was one of those moments when the world seemed a little bit smaller and more connected. Love was the loudest voice in those two airport seats! It was an amazing way to end an amazing week at MOMcon.” – Shanna Crowell, MOPS Volunteer


What’s the difference between the first pregnancy and all other pregnancies? Check out this hilarious video.

“We are not designed for isolation. We are designed for each other.” Read more.

That’s it for this week.

With love,

The MOPS Magazine Team