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DIY Candles

“How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.” ― William Shakespeare Candles are warm and

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Notice Goodness

I know goodness is abundant. I know goodness is freely given. But if you were to ask me today about the goodness that surrounds

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Four Good Things

I love my children unconditionally. And you know that’s true because you love your children unconditionally, too. That is an absolute. One that I

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Hello, Dearest

, You may have noticed one teeny, tiny change on the cover of our magazine, but it’s so tiny you might not have noticed.

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April 2014 Activity Calendar

Download thefor a month’s worth of fun. Plus… check out our Pinterest board calledMonthly Activity Calendarthat takes you directly to activity ideas for the

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